Monday, October 21, 2013

making a yacht tardis

This post title makes me giggle. Only Katie and Shawn would be the recipients of a Yacht Tardis. Why would I make these fine folks a Yacht Tardis? Because they're awesome, of course. Katie and Shawn live on a yacht. And they happen to be huge Who fans. Ergo, a Yacht Tardis.

This fridge magnet is a two-parter. The exterior is their house-yacht, Gallifrey.

When you open the boat, it's a tardis!

Felt puzzle pieces
In the picture above, you can just barely see the magnet in the upper-left corner of the gray tardis interior. The tardis is closed in this picture, with a matching magnet on the other side. I completed the tardis interior first. The interior is folded and fastened shut in the photo above so that I could complete the yacht exterior and sew it to the floor portion of the tardis.

I use Super Strong Neodymium Magnets - those two teeny magnets holding the tardis operation together also hold the magnet to the fridge.

Sometimes you have to try things twice.

I loved the colors.

They got married in San Juan Capistrano. Us lucky ducks got to go!

You can see the Tardis phone booth door on the left side of the Tardis interior.

Electron-tubey thingy-ma-bobs...or whatever tubes are sticking out of the central console.

I wrapped wire in a single teal thread to create the electron-tubey thingy-ma-bobs, and secured them in a hard vellum cover. If their function/name is stated in one of the episodes, I've no doubt Katie and Shawn will explain it to me.

Gallifrey needed a thread-wrapped life preserver, and wire hang rail. 

Packed for the trip, wishful scroll and all. Gallifrey had quite the journey. Imagine my surprise when nearly two weeks later, the UPS tracking says Gallifrey had been hanging tight in the Bell Gardens UPS facility for many, many days. I freaked out when I learned this facility is infamous for extended vacations, and sometimes unintended homes, for packages. Go ahead and read the forums, if you will, there are many. ~Incidentally, the mayor was arrested for fraud.~ BUT WHO (other than Katie and Shawn) WOULD WANT MY FELT YACHT TARDIS MAGNET?! IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!

Well Katie and Shawn eventually received their miniature home/time machine/spacecraft. And I loved that I got an ecstatic note from Katie hours after the first thank you when they realized it opened into a tardis. SURPRISE! Much love, happiness, and space-time continuum journeys for you both. xoxo

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